The Principle of Explosion will be our guiding principle as we cut through the weeds of modern mathematics. I explain how it works by outlining the Laws of Thought and applying the laws to the Pinocchio Paradox, a variation of the Liar's Paradox. I introduce the concepts of completeness and consistency and suggest that we can't have both, meaning that we have to make a choice between the two and whatever choice we make will have profound implications.
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♦♦♦ ABOUT THIS WEIRD MATH SERIES ♦♦♦ In this series we tackle big math ideas in short weird videos. Or is it weird math ideas in short big videos? Either way, it's going to be a wild ride. I hope you stick around!
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THANK YOU! -Ryan O'Connor The Weird Math Guy
pinocchio paradox,principle of explosion,Ryan O'Connor,weird math,laws of thought,law of identity,law of non-contradiction,law of the excluded middle,consistent,inconsistency,my nose grows now,this statement is false,completeness,philosophy of math,inconsistency in math,foundations of math,philosophy,liar paradox,this sentence is false,contradiction,paradox,from falsehood anything,from contradiction anything,classical logic,deductive explosion,