According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Bara Dighi Tea Garden village is 307016. Bara Dighi Tea Garden village is located in Matiali Tehsil of Jalpaiguri district in West Bengal, India. It is situated 14.2km away from sub-district headquarter Chalsa and 38.9km away from district headquarter Jalpaiguri . As per 2009 stats, Matiali Batabari Ii is the gram panchayat of Bara Dighi Tea Garden village.
The total geographical area of village is 743.79 hectares. Bara Dighi Tea Garden has a total population of 5,639 peoples. There are about 1,220 houses in Bara Dighi Tea Garden village. Malbazer is nearest town to Bara Dighi Tea Garden which is approximately 24km away.
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