How to Ask For Protection Amid Coronavirus Outbreak? Message From My Spirit Guides How to Ask For Protection Amid Coronavirus Outbreak? My Spirit Guides Told Me This...
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Make sure you also watch this video Now looking back, the spiritual message I shared in that video with (made in December 2019) was spot on! What you do think? Let me know in the comments!
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There's a lot of fearful energy floating around lately amid the coronavirus outbreak. How concerned are you? I asked my spirit guides about this and I want to share the message I received with you. At the end of 2019, I received some messages from my spirit guides about the upcoming year/decade. I even made a video about it here Now looking back, the message I received was spot on. Now I am asking for specific guidance on this coronavirus outbreak, and I was told to not fear it, but rather, seek divine protection and use it as an opportunity to return to divine alignment. With the inspiration from my guides, I created some divine protection affirmations. Go to to download the affirmations and a free subliminal with these affirmations. Please remember: you are loved, and you are safe and protected.
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There is no way to gratitude.
Gratitude IS the way.

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