How you can prepare for coronavirus Transcript

Health officials warn it's probably only a matter of time before coronavirus starts spreading in the US.

Some local governments have already started issuing emergency declarations and more could be coming from cities, counties and states.

So far there are 60 confirmed cases of the virus in the US and the CDC says people need to be prepared when it starts to spread.

In fact the US may have its first "community spread" coronavirus case.

That means a patient tested positive even though the patient had not been traveling abroad or exposed to another known coronavirus patient.

However the CDC and other health officials stress there's no reason to be overly concerned yet but preparation is key.

So how can you prevent getting sick?

Turns out the steps you should take aren't much different than what you may already be doing for cold and flu season.

Health experts say wash your hands for 20 seconds and don't touch your face or eyes if you haven't washed her hands recently.

Experts say fist or elbow bumps would be good alternatives to shaking hands while the outbreak is at its height.

Use your knuckles or elbows to touch elevator buttons and doorknobs instead of your fingers.

Experts also say you don't need to stop riding on airplanes, trains or buses.

Just try putting a bit more space between yourself and others whenever possible.

And stay at home if you have symptoms like fever, cough and shortness of breath.

What about wearing masks as we see people do so often in Asia?

Experts say Americans don't need to buy masks on a widespread basis.

The reason is because they don't always work perfectly.

What Americans should do is not panic.

Experts say the transmission and fatality rates from coronavirus are extremely low.

In the US most people who get it will survive.

On Wednesday President Trump downplayed the threat of coronavirus in the United States saying the risk to Americans is very low.

However he also announced Vice President Pence would lead the US government's team responsible in fighting against the disease.

Trump said the US may also add travel restrictions from other impacted countries but not right now.

Posted - 2.27.20

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