“VS”—an SK-II STUDIO animation series is a collection of six animated films based on the real-life experiences of six Olympic athletes—Simone Biles, the world’s most decorated gymnast, LiuXiang, world-record swimmer, Ishikawa Kasumi, table tennis player and two-time Olympic medalist, Ayaka Takahashi and Misaki Matsutomo, badminton duo and Olympic golId medalists, Mahina Maeda, surfer and Hinotori Nippon, the Japan Volleyball team, battling toxic competitions in beauty.
Each film within the “VS” Series by SK-II STUDIO explores a different facet of toxic competition in beauty in society today that dictate how beauty should look, act and feel: Trolls. Pressure. Image Obsession. Rules. Limitations. Machine-Like Mindsets. Brought to life in the form of a “strange beast” or “kaiju” in Japanese, each “kaiju” sheds light on the inner demon each athlete must defeat to define what beauty means to them.
To find out more about the “VS” Series and learn about #BeautyIsNoCompetition, please visit :
#SKii #VSseries #NoCompetition #SimoneBiles #LiuXiang #KasumiIshikawa #AyakaTakahashi #MisakiMatsutomo #MahinaMaeda #HinotoriNippon #JapanVolleyballTeam