
Turning a Bowl Exclusively Between Centers

Turning a Bowl Exclusively Between Centers Woodturning a Bowl Exclusively Between Centers!!
Hi my friends! In this video I have accepted a challenge from a subscriber, to turn a bowl without the use of a chuck, of a glue block or a faceplate, just turning it from beginning to end between centers.

Versión en Español:

I would like to say that this is a dangerous practice. You should avoid it and use the other methods of making the interior wall of the bowl. Turning between centers the outside is fine, but turning the inside has complexities. One of them is turning in confined space, with the live center, the tailstock and a column of wood in the middle of the bowl, all bothering the correct positioning of the tool, the other is turning at the very end of the tool rest. It requires meticulous planning and skill on the part of the woodturner.

I hope you enjoyed this video and if that was the case, please make comments, give it a "like" and subscribe to my channel.

If for any reason you did not like it, or there is anything that I could do better, please let me know. There is always room for improvement!

The music was obtained from a royalty free sites that allows its use in videos.

Thank you so much!!



Descargo de Responsabilidad:
Usted, y solo usted, es responsable por su seguridad en el taller y por su salud. Las prácticas mostradas en este video, (y las respuestas a los comentarios) si bien son las que yo considero seguras, no necesariamente lo son para todo operario (tornero, carpintero, etc.). La madera es un material heterogéneo y caprichoso, no hay dos piezas iguales aún en el mismo tronco de un mismo árbol, las máquinas y herramientas del taller pueden causar daño al operario, el polvillo y otros contaminantes físicos y químicos pueden causar enfermedad o trastornos cuando no se toman las precauciones debidas. Siempre lea los manuales de operación de sus herramientas y maquinarias. Este video puede darle un punto de partida en investigar qué es lo mejor para Usted, pero de ninguna manera es la única fuente de información. El nivel de experiencia del operario también es un factor, procedimientos que pueden ser muy seguros para un operario de experiencia pueden no serlos para operarios principiantes. Si no se siente confiado o seguro con algún procedimiento que ha visto en mi canal no lo repita. Manténganse seguros y disfruten de estas actividades.

You, and only you, are responsible for your safety in the shop and for your health. The procedures shown in this video, (and my answers to the comments), although they are the ones I consider safe, are not necessarily so for every operator (wood turner, carpenter, etc.). Wood is a heterogeneous and unpredictable material, not two pieces are identical, even when they come from the same trunk of the same tree, shop tools and machines can cause damage to the operator, dust and other physical and chemical contaminants may cause disease and disorders when the operator does not take into consideration adequate protection. Always read operation manuals for your tools and machinery. This video can give you a point to start your research on what is the best for you, but, in any way is the only source of information. The level of experience of the operator is also a factor; procedures that may be safe for an operator that has a lot of experience may not be dangerous for an operator with less experience. If you do not feel safe or confident with a procedure you have seen in my channel, do not repeat it. Be safe and enjoy these activities.

Woodworking,Woodturning,Turning,Torneado,Torno,Lathe,torneando,Daniel Vilariño,Daniel Vilarino,

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